Getting going

On 21 February Little O and I are heading south for the warm weather for a couple of months.
An exciting trip brought about by the happy coincidence of the end of teaching for Semester I, money in the bank and Osh's need to be relieved of a full day at school 5 days a week. He loves going to school but isn't really ready for it yet. Hopefully 2 months of playing will help him grow up just a bit more, ready for School later on.
Our first stop is Toronto (which will likely be anything but warm) to visit my Sister and her family. Then we fly to Providenciales (Provo) in the Turks and Caicos Islands via Miami. In Provo we will be staying with Nicky and his son Daniel in their lovely wooden house in the hills.
Whilst there Osh might be enrolled in Kindergarten if he expresses an interest in going to school; I will be a full-time Mum (rather looking forward to that) and might keep up some of my consultancy work too, if there is time. More importantly we will be swimming in the sea, looking after the chickens (Nicky has 2 roosters, 1 hen and 4 baby chicks that appeared last week), starting off a vegetable patch (growing okra and aubergines and tomatoes and pineapples and other yummy stuff); watching the bananas in the nursery ripen and then picking them; chasing lizards; exploring the rusty old steam engine on the uninhabited island of West Caicos (photo below) and much more.
This is a photo of the steam engine on West Caicos and a view of the nursery (Nicky's nursery is next door to the house).
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