Saturday, October 18, 2008

Baby news

My sincere apologies to all of you that have been checking back regularly to find out what happened to the baby....and for all your lovely emails of support. I should have written days ago and kept forgetting. And the intermittent email access hasn't helped much.

So here's the news: baby is absolutely fine. Has a full head of hair, apparently (no idea what colour it is!), is bang on target in terms of dates etc. My fluid levels were great too - they had increased from 5 to 12.79 in a week and the conclusions reached was that I had lost fluid due to dehydration and stress. Hurricanes can clearly take a toll on the unborn as well as the rest of us! So, now on a regime to down plenty of fluid - and Baby Turnip (as he is known) is still kickboxing ALL DAY, so he's clearly not bothered much by the fact that the level of his swimming pool went down for a while.

I have to endure the trauma of the Mrytle Rigby Clinic in a couple of weeks - this is the government hospital over the road which doubles as the state GP provision and hospital in the same building. They are currently building a HUGE brand new hospital, but it won't be finished until way after the baby is born. Although I'm having the baby privately over the road (I'm not entitled to any national health service provision) this does not spare me the chaos, disorganisation and bedlam of sitting over the road to have a check up and book me in for the C-section which is scheduled for 1 December (although I met a woman yesterday who is due on 31 October and they were trying to book her in for a C-section on 5 November.....go figure!). I'm sure it's no worse than a British inner-city hospital on a Friday night - only more Haitian perhaps! More on this when it happens.

As for the utter madness that is the so called 'disaster relief' effort in this country, I'll fill you in on all this tomorrow.


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