Meet the Turners
So, who are these Turners that we are going to be staying with?
Well, there is Nicky. He was born in Hong Kong, lived in Europe and Kenya but has his roots in Cornwall. After a stint in the Solomon Islands he arrived in the Turks and Caicos some many years ago as the DFID appointed Director of Agriculture. After a number of years doing that job on North Caicos he moved to Grand Turk and then to Provo (maps coming along soon) where he has run a successful landscaping business for many years. Small islands being what they are, he is involved in a variety of business (ad)ventures along with the landscaping - he is a partner in a business that empties portable toilets and septic tanks (where there's muck there's brass) and he is a partner in a power company that is producing water and electricity on West Caicos - a national park and uninhabited island but soon to be home to a very exclusive, swept-up Ritz Carlton resort. Water is a very precious resource on the islands and over the coming weeks I'll tell you all about where the water comes from, how Nicky makes water and why the water in the toilet cistern looks like weak tea.....

Then, there is Daniel. Born on Grand Turk he is 15 and just delightful. He plays hockey for the national team and a local team called The Panthers, he reads voraciously (last time I was there he was ploughing through 'The Art of War' and a cheap dime-store thriller and has requested a copy of Machiavelli's The Prince this trip), he has recently taken up diving and he has an incredibly catholic taste in music: Tupac through Mozart, and all sorts inbetween.

Finally, we have Tucker and Marlowe the dogs and a handful of roosters and chickens and baby chicks. But more of them later.
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