No news in an age due to a stream of visitors, inertia on my part and erm, lots of other things going on too.
So, what have we been up to.
I baked hot cross buns on Good Friday - made the dough in the bread maker and then baked them in the oven. I couldn't find the stuff to make the crosses, so I did the X in red icing.
After Nicky got back from Miami he and Osh built a shutter for one of the side windows - mainly to keep out the sun but will also serve as a hurricane shutter in a few months time. Then, in order to make it easy to make shutters for the other two windows, we decided to extend the deck to under those windows too. Of course, now we have a lovely huge deck but haven't got around to making the other shutters yet!
We did a spot of gardening, but still haven't got around to getting some soil from the farm to put in my planters. The rainy season hasn't started yet, and I think it's best to wait for the rains before I plant anything. That said, my pineapple is growing (at least it hasn't died yet!). And here are some photos of the garden.
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