A day trip to Grand Turk
We went to Grand Turk today, for the day (minus Daniel who, despite 3 offers to come with us couldn't quite summon up the energy to proffer a reply....teenagers, don't ya just love them!) and had a splendid time. We left at 8.15 on the parallel flight to the wonderful Mr Riggs (formally the museum director of this parish) - Brian prefers the aircraft operated by Air Turks and Caicos which he reliably informs me will float and glide rather well should the engines fail (which is EXACTLY what happened to him a couple of weeks ago....an engine failing rather than the full gliding and floating stuff). We flew Skyking, which apparently would sink like a stone should the engines fail....ho hum.
So anyway, we got to GT and Colin (Nicky's ex-step-father in law) had left us a car at the airport so we hurried to the Saltraker Inn where we had a fine slap up breakfast and then to O'er Island which is an island (funnily enough) in the middle of the salinas where there are a good many graves falling into states of massive disrepair....bones exposed etc. This was an educational visit although Osh's initial enthusiasm to see the bones (mid 19th century, rather than modern, I hasten to add) wore off fast "why do grown ups like looking at nothing, Mim" he asked when we were admiring the view...... Nicky then went to inspect a septic tank or two for Colin whilst Osh and I played on the beach for a couple of hours.
Turns out that completely by chance, we'd chosen the weekend of the Grand Turk Fishing Tournament for a visit and so at 3pm we all went down to Governor's beach to see the boats come in with the big fish. We'd only been there about 30 seconds when Osh (armed with a bionicle) fell into conversation with a fellow child (armed with a light sabre) and so whilst we ooed and aard at the fish, Osh was deep in techie talk and mock battles. Unlike the recent bun fights on Provo (the International Food Fair, the Regatta and the Dog Show) this was very much a Turks Island event with the white faces being in the minority rather than the Provo bashes which were decidedly ex-pat events with a scattering of locals in attendance. It felt far FAR more like the West Indies than Provo (which often feels like an extension of Key West) which was lovely. It is also noticeably cooler over on Grand Turk but, after a lengthy discussion Nicky and I both agreed that much as we love the place, he'd go mad with boredom if we lived there full time.
We came home at 5pm and I had the best seat in the house.....the middle seat at the back (one seat either side of the aisle in a Beechcraft for the airplane anoraks amongst you) so I could see the runway swerve into view as we came into land. The pilot then made a hasty rush for the terminal - rather than the normal sedate pootle after landing - because the Air Turks and Caicos flight was about to land on the same bit of runway.....what fun. All this to the tune of Osh yelling "we're not going to make it" which probably unnerved the jumpy looking woman in front of us!
Here be photos of the fun.
Human teeth...