The arrival of baby Isaac - the short version
Isaac on 1 December in hospital.
To satisfy the need for pictures, here are some and the brief details. All the gossip of what it is like to give birth in a small cottage hospital in the West Indies, a hospital run along the lines of a 1950s nursing home are to follow...
Isaac Hogarth Turner, born 5 am 1 December 2008 by C-Section. He was supposed to be delivered by planned c-section on the 3rd, by at 2.30 Monday morning he decided he wanted out! He was born on the night when Venus and Jupiter were two very bright stars visible to the naked eye just above the auspicious baby!
He is a little jaundiced but I brought him home on Thursday (against medical advice, gulp) to give us both some sleep and him lots of natural light therapy. Off to Dr Zoe tomorrow to see if his biliruben levels are within the comfort zone yet. Fingers crossed.
He is eating and sleeping very well. I am very well - a little sore still but now able to walk upright!
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