Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Rad 2.0

Three cheers to the designers of Miami International Airport. They created huge acreages of windows looking out onto the airport runways/gates which can keep a small boy entertained for HOURS! And they also created a number of interesting corners which provide ample space for same small boys to build elaborate railway layouts around their mim (who was busy reading Pride and Prejudice....!). The journey from Canada due south was long and tiring and full of contrasts. It was snowing and 10 below in Toronto when we left (that's 27F for those of you still working in old money) and it was 22 and sunny in Miami when we got there and lovely and warm when we got to the Turks. Toronto is a vast sprawling city, Provo has a bare minimum of tarmac roads and no high rise blocks. We arrived at the house to find a huge banner strung across the living room which Daniel had made "welcome home Lizzie and Oisin" it said! Osh has taken on board the Caribbean thing at full pelt: he's inspected the bananas (still green), the chickens (2 chicks, 2 hens and 2 cocks), the lizards ate a monstrous plate of fish sticks and chips for lunch and wandered around the nursery this evening.

But his best discovery today was Rad 2.0 a battery operated robot that Daniel had for Christmas about 6 years ago (Daniel is now a strapping teenager). It took all day to charge the battery, but no matter - Osh was quite content building complex railway systems and having Rad crash through them! He has been utterly delightful all day (Osh, that is - although for a teenager Daniel has been just delightful with a noisy toddler waking him at 6.30 am too!). The plan to go to the beach after we picked Daniel up from School went by the by (it was very windy and a little chilly here today) because Nicky had to go to the PTA where he managed to rope me into cooking an English dish for the school international something or other next week (!) although he has also volunteered for the sack and egg and spoon race next week! I think I got the easy option.

Today's esoteric question from my boy: Why is this a foreign country mim?

No pictures tonight - been too busy to get the camera out but pictures to follow tomorrow.


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