Our house
I've had lots of requests for pictures of the house, so here they are!
Nicky built the house about 10 years ago and it has been added to slowly over the years. It is built on a concrete base, it is built of wood it has a sloping roof with straps over it to hold it down in the event of a hurricane! Because the weather is always warm (although not always dry) there is not much distinction between the inside and the outside. The washing machine lives outside, as does one of the fridges and you have to walk through a covered walk way to get to the living room. Going back to an enclosed house is going to be very odd.
Here is a photo of the front of the house which faces East (the house is built is that the trade winds (E-W) blow straight through it). There is a huge Ficus tree in front of the house which provides lots of shade during the day but also a lot of leaves for me to sweep up daily! We often eat outside in the evening. You can't see them, but around the door we have a stack of pretty conch shells, lots of agave plants, a couple of pineapple plants, a sago palm, a thatch palm and a coconut (all in pots) and some pretty pink prickly things.....! This photo was taken around 5pm.

The kitchen is at the back of the house (north side) and looks onto bush. The kitchen is small but perfectly formed and after living with a small hand-built kitchen you do rather ask yourself why on earth we need such fancy kitchens! Also here is a photo taken immediately outside the kitchen. From the kitchen I can see a lovely pink bourganvilla (sp?!?) and lots of lizards and birds and the occasional chicken (different from a permanent chicken) scratching around for bugs.
The living room has a sofa, 2 book cases crammed with books (no danger of running out of reading matter here), a TV (satellite hookup) and DVD player. I can only get 4 photos on each posting at a time, so I'll continue the tour of the house in the next post.

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